Before using my plugin you must the documentation of at least watch this Get Started video or read this text carefully. After installing my plugin you need to follow below step:
Step 1:
If your website is new and you will not use any of the previously uploaded images from your media library to my gallery plugin then no need to follow this step.
- Install this regenerate thumbnails plugin
- Go to wp-admin -> Tools -> Regenerate Thumbnails
- Do not check Delete thumbnail files
- Check Skip regenerating existing correctly sized thumbnails
- Click Regenerate Thumbnails for all attachment
Step 2:
You need to add album images in order to show gallery. Album can be Event name and image can be all the images from that event. You can also add Album category to organize images efficiently.
- Go to wp-admin -> Album Gallery -> Add New Album
- Give a Album name
- You can add description of that event
- Click Add Media Camera icon. You can upload multiple images at a time. No restriction
- Add a feature images from any of that gallery images
- Click Publish to publish the album
To show galley or album read other documentation here.